Welcome to the first edition of Ask Away. This blog report has been opened, for all of you who needs someone to listen. If you really want any more info about me, you can check out my complete profile. We all have problems in our life, and sometimes it takes a whole other person to see what the solution is.
In our first Edition we will be talking about Death. We all had to in one time or another deal with the effects and emotions death can bring to a person/family. Each Person then has his/her own way of dealing with it, and eventually we all tend to move on with our lives, but what the world doesn't know is that the pain always remains. For each person lost it is a different experience to those who stay behind. A mother who should lose her child, will have a totally different reaction to it than if that same mother should lose an uncle, brother or parent. Of course there are different stages of grieve, or so they say....First you cry your heart our, thinking how can life be so cruel to you for taking that person away from you. Then you ask the universal Question "Why?" Why him/her, Why did it happen to me, Why has God taken this person away from us?
Then the funeral happens and your in total denial, You won't believe that this person is actually gone, and you can't stand the fact that the body will now forever be in a hole in the ground, cold and alone. Then you just feel empty and numb, and then nothing... the pain doesn't go away and the person that died doesn't come back. And You? You live. All you have are the memory's, the dreams, and the longing.
We all now the feeling this brings home,and as you say we have all been there one time or other.It's sad and we all lern to live with it in time for time heels.But what gets to me is that the people that stay behind thinks that this is there que to get in and brake down
the ones that was close to the person that passed on,and then you get coned out of the littel that was left behined for you.The hurt that people inflate on other's can sometime last mutch longer then the longing for a loved one
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