Monday, October 09, 2006

Legal Advice

Yes it's True, If there is fighting after death, things tend to turn sour. Each situation can be handled differently. Being conned out of your inheritance can be proven to be a disaster, especially for the person doing the conning. But being left out of a will by a loved one is even worse. But does it really matter whether you receive something from that person? It all depends on who the person was that died.

Luckily for us there are laws in each country that can support us with all these Questions and answers. I have taken a passage from a web site, that has a few suggestions and explanations on what you can do, but please also remember, there are ways of handling situations like this without involving lawyers. If it can be proven that someone has conned you out of your Inheritance, you can be sure to get what you deserve and them as well. But if you have been left out of a will, by someone, just think of it like this....Maybe that other person needs it more that you do...!

"If someone files an objection to the Will, or produces another Will, what is known as a "Will contest" has begun. While Will contests are not that rare, and while few people actually win one, they can be extraordinarily costly and create incredible delays is not just anyone that can contest a Will. For example, if you feel your recently deceased next door neighbor's out of state children are awful people who didn't give her proper respect and they do not deserve to get anything, that does not cut it. To properly contest a Will a person must have "standing" to object.If, a person has proper standing to contest a Will -- such as a child who was cut out of the Will by an angry parent, or even by a kindly parent who felt that the local charity, not his children, should get his assets, that child would have standing to bring a "Will contest". If a Will gives the one sibling 2/3Rd's of a parent's estate and the other 1/3rd, the one receiving less has standing to bring a Will contest. Similarly, if a later Will is less favorable to someone than an earlier Will, or no Will at all, that person has standing. A Will contest sometimes is launched to have a different person or bank or trust company serve as Personal Representative for the estate, or as a trustee of Trusts created by the Will. "

Being as it may, it is never easy for anybody to go through something like this. After death there is only life for the living, and we need to mourn. So try and be Strong and get all animosity sorted out before it turns into another unhappy event. People are supposed to grow closer after death, not fight over worldly possessions(which won't do you any good) and cause rifts in family life.


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