Christians and the working Environment

Trying every day to live your live as a Christian can sometimes be very hard, and to actually learn to be quite and walk away can be even more uncontrollable. But that is just it, not everybody you work with will always be on the same spiritual level as you, Learning to say the right things can also help a lot.
It is said to believe that the Holy Ghost wakes beside us, and when we tend to be in the wrong, we will be told. But does everybody always listen? I know that sometimes I don't. Which of course i am ashamed of admitting. But we all can't be perfect and we need to practice on how to listen to the inner Voice.
You will know when it happens, saying something and then immediately regretting it! walking past a co worker and not greeting them, and then thinking, that maybe you should have greeted.
I have learned a very valuable lesson this week.or let me say a few lessons.
Firstly, that to not always expect things to go your way. God has a time and place for everything, and willing something to happen so badly won't make it happen over night.
Secondly, Trusting in God, and to know that if God Promised you something, more than on one occasion, to trust that God doesn't break promises, although we as humans sometimes think that He does.
Thirdly, To respect others, and love them(Your Neighbour), because just maybe they are looking up at you, and without you knowing it, you can either bring them to God or chase them away.
Fourthly, You don't know what other peoples problems are, so don't judge them just because, you think they don't like you. Sometimes people just live past others, and they can't always have room in their hearts to make friends with everybody.
Fifthly: God moves in mysterious way, well to us they are. things happen in live, you meet people, and only after God's plan has come together, do we see the end result, and that makes live all the more worth living.
So if your having a bad day, the next person, probably is also having one, Bad things are going to happen each day, what really matters is the way you are willing to handle the situation.
Our church youth leader told me this week to Never Give Up! Because just as soon as you think everything is failing apart God shines a light on another opened door. The only time you should give up is the day you lay your head to rest.
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