Friday, December 22, 2006

25 DEC 2006

This is the day i have been waiting for all month..Christmas day!!!!
All the arrangements have been made, and everything is set...
Only thing that needs to be done still is my Christmas shopping....
23 Dec 06... And this is the fun part!!!

And there is another surprise this year, something never done before in our family..

Santa had a sex change...This year Santa will be portrayed by a woman...Who???


So this year I'm dressing up as Santa, giving all the kids their gifts,
and just having a lot of fun this year, But i have a few surprises of my own up my sleeve...

So stay tuned to see some great photos, of our traditional Christmas eve
and Christmas day plans.

And have a great day, But don't forget the most important person on this day:

Jesus, after all it is his birthday we are celebrating...



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