Happy New Year 2007
Well How is that, the new year is here, in full swing... As you can probably see I haven't been blogging for a few weeks now, (Well I have a very good excuse for that)
After Christmas everything went so fast My head started to spin. I had me weekend off from work and guess what, Tuesday when I went back I gave in my resignation!!!! Yes You guessed it..I resigned, so for the last two and a halve weeks I've been busy at home....
We have decided to cut all our roots in our current town, and we are moving back to our old home town... And I can't wait we have already started to pack up our goods.
So the new year is here, and there will be a lot of good and bad decisions we are going to make.
Just stay close to God and remember that He will show you the path that you must travel.
Sometimes even so early in the year we are tested, with trails and misery, but although we are not given it with lightly thought, we shall certainly survive.
So the only advice I can give in this stage is to grin and bear it, enjoy the year, and have a ball.
Make your decisions, and stick to it....
25 DEC 2006
This is the day i have been waiting for all month..
Christmas day!!!!All the arrangements have been made, and everything is set... Only thing that needs to be done still is my Christmas shopping....
23 Dec 06... And this is the fun part!!!
And there is another surprise this year, something never done before in our family..
Santa had a sex change...This year Santa will be portrayed by a woman...Who???
ME!!!!!So this year I'm dressing up as Santa, giving all the kids their gifts,
and just having a lot of fun this year, But i have a few surprises of my own up my sleeve...
So stay tuned to see some great photos, of our traditional Christmas eve
and Christmas day plans.
And have a great day, But don't forget the most important person on this day:
Jesus, after all it is his birthday we are celebrating...
Labels: Christmas
New Enterprise for the new year!
According to statistics if you know 90% of your work that you are doing and you're not learning anything else, while doing your job. Its time for a change in scenery... My husband and I have started our own business, so I'm resigning at my old post. to soon you say, well I trust in God that all will be a Success... By the way, you can't run a business, if you are still working for for previous boss. Conflicting interests.
We are in the alarm business, A type of business, that will always be booming... Botma Golden Gate Security...And the best part of it is, is that we have ADT alarms to back us as well as our counterparts Dynamic Alarms. We have become what you would call a ADT dealer/Franchise.
So for me this year hasn't turned out to be that bad, although we had a lot of bones to chew this year, personally and financially, it's finally looking our way again...
So to all you Entrepreneurs out there... Don't be afraid to take the first step into a new business, Go for it. Because if you don't you'll regret it for the rest of you r life!
New Year Resolutions???!!!??

At the end of each year we all think of what new years resolutions are going to actually happen in the new year...Well let's see, from becoming rich to losing 20kg of unwanted weight etc etc.
Well here is some good news, Don't make new year resolutions, start making goals, of whom you want to become, and how you want to grow as a person.
Get a journal dairy, and wright it down, look at it each day, and try your best to do what you must.
For those of you who don't know where to start here are some tips on where to begin.(I will definitely be trying this out next year.)
For 2007, let us all BE SOMEONE ….
someone who listens, and you will be heard.
someone who cares, and you will be loved.
someone who gives, and you will be blessed.
someone who comforts, and you will know peace.
someone who genuinely seeks to understand, and you will be wise.
someone kind, someone considerate, and you will be admired.
someone who values truth, and you will be respected.
someone who takes action, and you will move life forward.
someone who lifts others higher, and your life will be rich.
someone filled with gratitude, and there will be no end to the things for which you'll be thankful.
someone who lives with joy, with purpose, as your own light brightly shines.
Be, in every moment, the special
someone you are truly meant to be.
Good Luck and a Happy New Year in
Debt Good or Bad!

You can't live with it, and you can't keep on living without it.
This scenario sound very "O so Middle class" but it's true.. Who do you know that doesn't have some sort of debt account, credit cards, etc.
Well here is my little story:
On the 27/11/2006 I've decided I want to Buy My self a new Cellphone. Well actually to apply for a contract. The Samsung D900 on a Vodacom Weekender everyday...
I applied twice at two different institutions and guess what? DECLINED !!!! Why? Well because I don't have any credit on my name, Zilch, Nil, Nothing! Can You believe It. So I phone them and ask them why is it being declined, because i don't have any credit on my name, Isn't is supposed to be a good thing. No Credit No Debt, No Worry's... Well apparently they need to see your track record with Debt, what accounts you do have and how well you pay them.
Well let me tell you something, and I told it to their consultant to: "It's unfair to people like me!"
People who have never needed to make credit to buy anything, who always paid Cash for everything, now because I'm such a good citizen, I am suddenly not credit worthy, because i never had an account on my name.
Meaning in order for me to buy that cellphone on a Credit/Contract basis, I need to go and open a Edgar's, Jet etc account, just to have credit, and then instead of just having one place to pay, I will have 3 to 4 Accounts....This is the way they cause people to make more Debt, than what they can afford in the first place.
So now i agree...Big company's who have millions of Rands in turn over control the markets, they control the credit given to people, and they control the outcome...."So you don't have credit, lets open up an account for you, so that you can live one day after another, worrying about where, you are going to find the money to pay it all"
NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! Then i rather save my money that i do get, and buy something CASH!!
at least that way I Know i will have enough money to live one day at a time....
Name change
As you have probably noticed the name of my blog has changed To wild emotions, and although
the web address remains the same, I thought that the new name would be more fitting, to all the discussons I have here Once a week... Hope That the reading still remains interesting.
Please if you have any questions of subjects you wish to discuss, fire away!
Author: Mary-Ann
The Value of Wine

Although I am married and I Don't consume wine, I defiently think this is a classic.
I Received this e-mail today and thought that it would be nice to share this with you.
For all of us who are married, were married, wish you were married,
or wish you weren't married, this is something to smile about the next
time you see a bottle of wine:
Sally was driving home from one of her business trips in Northern Arizona
when she saw an elderly Navajo woman walking on the side of the road.
As the trip was a long and quiet one, she stopped the car and asked the
Navajo woman if she would like a ride.
With a silent nod of thanks, the woman got into the car.
Resuming the journey, Sally tried in vain to make a bit of small talk with the
Navajo woman. The old woman just sat silently, looking intently at everything
she saw, studying every little detail, until she noticed a brown bag on the seat
next to Sally.
"What in bag?" asked the old woman.
Sally looked down at the brown bag and said,
"It's a bottle of wine. I got it for my husband."
The Navajo woman was silent for another moment or two.
Then speaking with the quiet wisdom of an elder, she said:
"Good trade....."
I hope that this brings some thoughts to mind?
Christians and the working Environment

Trying every day to live your live as a Christian can sometimes be very hard, and to actually learn to be quite and walk away can be even more uncontrollable. But that is just it, not everybody you work with will always be on the same spiritual level as you, Learning to say the right things can also help a lot.
It is said to believe that the Holy Ghost wakes beside us, and when we tend to be in the wrong, we will be told. But does everybody always listen? I know that sometimes I don't. Which of course i am ashamed of admitting. But we all can't be perfect and we need to practice on how to listen to the inner Voice.
You will know when it happens, saying something and then immediately regretting it! walking past a co worker and not greeting them, and then thinking, that maybe you should have greeted.
I have learned a very valuable lesson this week.or let me say a few lessons.
Firstly, that to not always expect things to go your way. God has a time and place for everything, and willing something to happen so badly won't make it happen over night.
Secondly, Trusting in God, and to know that if God Promised you something, more than on one occasion, to trust that God doesn't break promises, although we as humans sometimes think that He does.
Thirdly, To respect others, and love them(Your Neighbour), because just maybe they are looking up at you, and without you knowing it, you can either bring them to God or chase them away.
Fourthly, You don't know what other peoples problems are, so don't judge them just because, you think they don't like you. Sometimes people just live past others, and they can't always have room in their hearts to make friends with everybody.
Fifthly: God moves in mysterious way, well to us they are. things happen in live, you meet people, and only after God's plan has come together, do we see the end result, and that makes live all the more worth living.
So if your having a bad day, the next person, probably is also having one, Bad things are going to happen each day, what really matters is the way you are willing to handle the situation.
Our church youth leader told me this week to Never Give Up! Because just as soon as you think everything is failing apart God shines a light on another opened door. The only time you should give up is the day you lay your head to rest.
Father Hood In short Dad's
Isn't it strange that when some men hear that they are going to be fathers, they suddenly, become all strange?
Well that's probably what happened to mine, he became all strange, and maby it's a good that i'm getting this all off my chest after all these years.
I'm 23 years of age and somtines i still can't get over the fact that my father abandond us when we were still todlers. Luckly i didn't marry a man like my father, i married a man like my father in law. Loyal!!!!
Groing up he never phoned on a birthday, on christmas, or just to say Howzit, nothing, and while i always use to tell myself that i don't care about it anymore, silently it troubled me a lot.
On my wedding day he didn't even bother to be their, if i didn't introduce my husband to him 3 years later(accidently i mite add) he still probably wouldn't care.
And the worst part of it all is that now that he has a grandchild ( my sisters baby), he now suddenly wants to be like a grandfather, when he coudn't even be a father. I can't condem him for doing this to us, but i still don't have to be happy about the whole thing. Although i have forgiven him partly for his lack of interrest, one still can't make up for all the lost years
Each child needs to be loved by a father, and for a father not willing to give that love, he should loose his privlliges as a father.
Luckly for me i had a lot of people willing to give me the love i needed, but if my father did play an active roll in my life i probably woudn't have made half the mistakes i did.
So to all you Fathers out there, don't neglet your children, give them all the love that you possibly can. Because you can never turn back the clock and try and make up for it.
Christmas Ready Or Not???

Ho! Ho! Ho! It's Christmas time. Two months to early you say, I think Not. Every where you look, super stores are starting with all there christmas promotions, But is it to early to start buying christmas gifts, start stocking up on all the nice goodies. Start planning what will be on the menu at the Christmas Eve Dinner? Start sending out post cards to all of your family members who stay to far and hope they don't receive it next year.
Each year our family would come together, on christmas eve, and one of the older men whould dress up as santa, we would wake the kids up at about 11 or 12 o clock and the fun would start.
Kids running around all exited, getting cookies and milk ready, waiting in suspence, for santa to come walking down the isle. ( No chimny santa's in South Africa) To Hot!
But then after taking a few photo's each year of the family tradition, it's over so fast it makes your head spin. Kids toys lying around, paper wrapping covering every part of the living room floor....But then you stop to think what is christmas all about, lousing around opening presents, or selebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Selebrating what Jesus Stood for while On earth, and what He Stands for In our lives. Showing Compasion to others, being noble, Friendly and loving, forgiving.

Although being with family and friends is the best place to be while selebrating all this, we need to think on what other people experience on this day. Hunger, Poverty, Exile... whether buy their own making or the making of others. For me seeing the faces of small children, opening a present, dinking a glass of cold milk and taking a bite out of santa's cookies, is a picture to remember. What a difference it would make to just give a little in this festive season, whether it be your own family or to people you don't even know. Give a friendly smile, Show compassion to that old lady struggling to walk on her own, give a flower to your loving mother, just to say thanks, and then praise the Lord for all the good, great, and forgiving, you have received in this year.
Hope you all have a Blessed Christmas this Year....2006
Labels: Christmas