25 DEC 2006
This is the day i have been waiting for all month..
Christmas day!!!!All the arrangements have been made, and everything is set... Only thing that needs to be done still is my Christmas shopping....
23 Dec 06... And this is the fun part!!!
And there is another surprise this year, something never done before in our family..
Santa had a sex change...This year Santa will be portrayed by a woman...Who???
ME!!!!!So this year I'm dressing up as Santa, giving all the kids their gifts,
and just having a lot of fun this year, But i have a few surprises of my own up my sleeve...
So stay tuned to see some great photos, of our traditional Christmas eve
and Christmas day plans.
And have a great day, But don't forget the most important person on this day:
Jesus, after all it is his birthday we are celebrating...
Labels: Christmas
New Enterprise for the new year!
According to statistics if you know 90% of your work that you are doing and you're not learning anything else, while doing your job. Its time for a change in scenery... My husband and I have started our own business, so I'm resigning at my old post. to soon you say, well I trust in God that all will be a Success... By the way, you can't run a business, if you are still working for for previous boss. Conflicting interests.
We are in the alarm business, A type of business, that will always be booming... Botma Golden Gate Security...And the best part of it is, is that we have ADT alarms to back us as well as our counterparts Dynamic Alarms. We have become what you would call a ADT dealer/Franchise.
So for me this year hasn't turned out to be that bad, although we had a lot of bones to chew this year, personally and financially, it's finally looking our way again...
So to all you Entrepreneurs out there... Don't be afraid to take the first step into a new business, Go for it. Because if you don't you'll regret it for the rest of you r life!
New Year Resolutions???!!!??

At the end of each year we all think of what new years resolutions are going to actually happen in the new year...Well let's see, from becoming rich to losing 20kg of unwanted weight etc etc.
Well here is some good news, Don't make new year resolutions, start making goals, of whom you want to become, and how you want to grow as a person.
Get a journal dairy, and wright it down, look at it each day, and try your best to do what you must.
For those of you who don't know where to start here are some tips on where to begin.(I will definitely be trying this out next year.)
For 2007, let us all BE SOMEONE ….
someone who listens, and you will be heard.
someone who cares, and you will be loved.
someone who gives, and you will be blessed.
someone who comforts, and you will know peace.
someone who genuinely seeks to understand, and you will be wise.
someone kind, someone considerate, and you will be admired.
someone who values truth, and you will be respected.
someone who takes action, and you will move life forward.
someone who lifts others higher, and your life will be rich.
someone filled with gratitude, and there will be no end to the things for which you'll be thankful.
someone who lives with joy, with purpose, as your own light brightly shines.
Be, in every moment, the special
someone you are truly meant to be.
Good Luck and a Happy New Year in